
Lord Belial - The Wrath of Belial LP

Drakon Ho Megas -Από Καταβολής Χάος LP

Apochryphal Revelation - Reverence for the Kings of Hell LP

Darkest Bethlehem - Guiding Star of Misanthropy LP

Mons Veneris / Broken Spirit - Voices: Herald to the Master LP

Daemonlust - Death, the Heart of Satan LP

Koldovstvo - Ni Tsarya, Ni Boga LP

Naglfar - Téras LP

Aarkanne - Mysterii LP

Øksehovud - Makt, Høyhet, Herredømme LP

Profetus - Coronation of the Black Sun / Saturnine DLP

Fustilarian - All This Promiscuous Decadence LP

Gespenst - Den sidste færd LP

Grógaldr / Äkth Gánahëth - Split LP

Cadaver Coils - Offerings of Rapture and Decay LP

Mystifier / Lucifer's Child - Under Satan's Wrath LP

Spirit Adrift - Enlightened in Eternity LP

Hierophant - Death Siege LP

Destroyer 666 - Cold Steel... for an Iron Age LP

Diabolic Oath - Aischrolatreia LP

Destroyer 666 - Never Surrender LP

Obskuritatem / Nidernes - Somber Winter Evocations LP

Wendol / Warwulf - Crown of Burning Thorns / The Jericho Trumpet LP

Navalum - In Feather-Gold and Machete LP

Vaamatar - Medievalgeist LP

Diablation - Par le Feu LP

Satanika - Horde of Disgust LP

Blaze of Sorrow - Astri LP

Medieval Demon - Black Coven LP

Drowning in Phemaldehyde - Blistering Corpse Abortion LP / CD
$5.00 - $20.00

Tundra - The Burning Fanatism LP ABM-24

Vile Ritual - Caverns of Occultic Hatred LP

Instigate - Unheeded Warnings of Decay LP

Riivaus - Hehkumaton LP

Temple of Void - Summoning the Slayer LP

Woe - Legacies of Frailty LP

Wilt - Huginn LP

Xavarthan / Vampyric Winter - Xavarthan . Vampyric Winter LP

Conflagracion - Dilucidando el augurio de los malos espíritus LP

Grafjammer - Schalm & Schabauw LP

Schavot - Kronieken uit de nevel LP

Sammath - Verwoesting / Devastation LP

Sammath - Triumph in Hatred LP

Úlfarr - Orlegsceaft LP

Asgrauw - Schijngestalten LP ABM-41

Moon Incarnate - Hymns to the Moon LP

Nihil Invocation - Crestfallen Stronghold LP

Visceral Disgorge - Slithering Evisceration LP

Mean Mistreater - Razor Wire LP

SRD - Vragvmesiton LP/CD
$10.00 - $20.00